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5 Steps to Guitar Progression With an Innovative Approach

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    Anyone can make the simple complicated. Creativity is making the complicated simple.”

    - Charles Mingus

    Great Jazz Legend

    What you get:

    The Free 21-Page PDF Guitar Guide "5 Essential Steps To Chord Progression" will give you insight in how the essential guitar patterns work, you’ll rid yourself of dilemma of what and where your next chord on the guitar is or should be, and you’ll be motivated to get back to practice and start hitting your best sounding chords yet.

    What is the guide all about?

    There is simplicity underneath what appears to be complex, and anyone can understand the principles of the guitar and learn chord progressions.

    I emphasize the importance of the barre chords as they are the essence of playing, and even though they can appear hard at first, they’re actually not - once you learn one, you’ll know them all. Avoiding them is not the solution, even though it may seem tempting, you'll need them on your journey. I found the simple progression patterns that unmistakably work and are so obvious, that I wonder how nobody ever talked about them before. I share them with you so that you don't have to waste years trying to master the secret of chords.

    Have fun playing!

    - Vedran Gavric

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